Gadget Links: How’d He Do That? Edition

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  • Mileage Calculator: A Google Maps mashup that you can use to calculate trip mileage for tax purposes. It even (optionally) reads events directly from Google Calendar. I just want to know what functions in Scriptaculous the developer used to retrieve the mileage from a Google Maps query without displaying the page. I could use that in RinkAtlas. [ via Lifehacker ]
  • Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn on “You can use LinkedIn to find the people that you’re meeting. Knowing that you went to the same school, plays hockey, or shares acquaintances is a lot better than an awkward silence after, ‘I’m doing fine, thank you.’” I’m all for knowing whether people I’m meeting with play hockey. I need to look at Guy’s profile and see how he represents that.
  • Lifehacker Draws Visitors With Time-Saving Tech Tips on “The popularity of Lifehacker, where some readers regularly submit their own tips and tricks, hasn’t gone unnoticed. Microsoft Corp. and other companies have invited Ms. Trapani to their headquarters for product briefings and Yahoo Inc. asked her to be a judge at a recent programming competition. In the fall of 2005, as Lifehacker was gaining attention from computer users, a book agent approached Ms. Trapani about writing a collection of her best productivity tips. Last month, John Wiley & Sons published Lifehacker: 88 Tech Tricks to Turbocharge Your Day.” This article is a huge score for Gina Trapani. Congrats to her. [ Subscription probably required. ]



