A Morning Devoted to Good Causes

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I just got back from two really worthwhile events that told me a lot about the community we live in here in Central New Jersey. Early this morning, I attended the dedication of a major segment of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail, where I met a number of people from Bristol-Myers Squibb and a couple of riders from the 2005 Bristol-Myers Squibb Tour of Hope national team. Later on, I drove over to the tiny town of Roosevelt, NJ and stopped in at my local Alex’s Lemonade Stand.

I’ll write about both of these events in greater detail later, but I want to make sure I make this important point about what they had in common. Both of them were organized and run by some very committed people who are doing wonderful work to advance their causes. The effort to reach out to the local community, and motivate people to get involved was really inspiring.

I think I have a number of good photos that I will publish as soon as I can.

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