Excellent Google Maps Hacking Tutorial on Engadget

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I’ve been meaning to point out HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map that was published on Engadget a couple of days ago. This is a really terrific tutorial on how to make Google Maps do things that it wasn’t designed to do.

The Engadget tutorial sort of takes off from where John Udell’s annotated walking tour of Keene, NH stopped. It generalizes some of the techniques that Udell needed to work with in order to make the walking tour and distills them into a recipe.

I pointed out some of the information from John Udell’s weblog in the article I wrote called More Cool Info about Google Maps. My article focused on the server-class software that Google used to build its map tool. I saw the Keene, NH walking tour article at that time, and I think I meant to come back to it in a day or two after I wrote the server components article, but I forgot.

Regular Operation Gadget readers may remember my attemps at GPS data projection: How I Generated a Tour of Hope DC Fund-raising Ride Map and Toolkit for Turning Garmin Forerunner 201 Data into Overlay Maps. I’d like to apply the Engadget tutorial to some of these datasets from my Forerunner 201 and see what kind of maps Google Maps can generate with them.



