Spent Yesterday Afternoon in New York City

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yesterday’s light story volume is the result of my trip to New York City. Kathleen and I went in for the afternoon, had lunch at my favorite spot when I worked on Wall Street, Rosario’s Italian Bistro, saw the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center, and went out to dinner in Greenwich Village. The weather was great (partly cloudy, about 50 degrees Fahrenheit) and the people were out in droves.

We visited a number of unique New York City stores, including:

The city looked great and I’d recommend a visit before the holidays are over to anyone who can make it. The Wall Street area looked especially good, considering how much of an armed camp it has become. The Christmas Tree erected outside the New York Stock Exchange was as nice as it has always been. I was a bit surprised to see it standing in the middle of Broad Street with all the security measures arrayed around it.

I took some photos with my Nikon N50 which I will probably post when I have time to get the film developed.



