Blackberries to Get Bluetooth Support, According to RIM

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Brighthand reports that Research in Motion is planning to add Bluetooth networking to future Blackberry models. This will allow users to employ Bluetooth wireless headsets. Brighthand rightly points out that some smartphone / mobile communicator users feel that the size of these devices makes it impractical to put them against an ear while making a phone call.

I hope that RIM’s Bluetooth implementation also includes profiles for wirelessly syncing to a personal computer. It isn’t a popular to use Bluetooth to sync a smartphone yet, but Nokia put a stake in the ground with the Nokia 6600, and other high end device manufacturers should follow.

In other news, RIM announced that it will also implement WiFi in upcoming Blackberries. This means that Blackberry users will be able to choose whether to use VOIP or GSM/GRPS, depending on network availability.



